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Q&A: Cycle Syncing, Pregnancy Biohacks, Castor Oil Packs, Period Tips, Healthy Fruit Choices and My Proactive Preconception Program

Q&A: Cycle Syncing, Pregnancy Biohacks, Castor Oil Packs, Period Tips, Healthy Fruit Choices and My Proactive Preconception Program

Are you experiencing difficult periods or interested in pregnancy biohacking?

I am now back from Costa Rica!

In this Q&A podcast, I talk about going through your period without pain and discomfort, optimizing your sleep, pregnancy biohacking, healthy fruit choices that don’t cause inflammation or sugar spikes, how to use a castor oil pack, syncing your lifestyle and nutrition to your menstrual cycle and more. 

I also share about my new online program coming that focuses on being proactive about your preconception health for both men and women. This program walks you through how to optimize your nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, exercise, and more to create the healthiest baby possible, have the most uncomplicated pregnancy, and reduce risks associated with birth and your baby.

If you would like to join the waitlist for this program, send me a message on Instagram, and I’ll send you the private link to join the list!

We talk about: 

  • 03:30 - Preconception and fertility
  • 10:50 - Going through your period and reducing symptoms 
  • 12:30 - Optimizing your sleep
  • 17:10 - Hot, herbal baths to help with period discomfort
  • 19:30 - Hot water bottles for cramping
  • 21:30 - Proactive preconception
  • 26:00 - Pregnancy biohacks
  • 30:00 - Swimming while pregnant
  • 33:00 - Walking in nature
  • 35:00 - Fruit-infused water for PCOD and irregular periods
  • 41:00 - Castor oil packs and how to use them
  • 45:00 - How to start cycle synching without your period 


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